Pandav Nirjala Ekadasi

Today 16th June 2016 is Pandav Nirjala Ekadashi , and Prarayan or Fast breaking time is next day on 17th June at 04:50 to 09:22 am.  

Nirjala Ekadashi  falls on the 11th lunar day of the waxing fortnight of the Hindu month of May/June. Ekadasi fasting is very dear to Lord Vishnu or Lord Krsna. this is very Important fasting day for Vaishnavas. According to the Markandeya Purana and the Vishnu Purana, the day of Ekadashi  is itself a form of Vishnu. The vrata observed on this day is said to wash away all sin. .  the importance of observing fast on Ekadashi  is given in Shri Hari Bhakti Vilas.  it is said :
Ekadashi  vratam nama
sarva kama phala pradam
kartabyam sarvada viprair
vishnu prinana karanam’

" Just by observing a fast on Ekadasi day, all your desires will come true, and one who follows the fast becomes very dear to Lord Vishnu"

Therefore one will have to observe the vow of Ekadashi  for the sake of satisfying the lord.  The happiness and prosperity will automatically follow.  It is stated in Brihat Naradiya Purana that if everyone including the brahmins, the kshatriyas, the vaisyas, the sudras and the women observe Ekadashi  then they will certainly attain liberation.  As per the teachings of the Vedic Literature ‘paap-purusha’ (sins) reside in grains on Ekadashi  and so it should be avoided in any form. I will post the Story of how Ekadasi Originated according to Padma Puran separately.

Origin of Nirjala Ekadasi

The description of Nirjala Ekadashi  which occurs in Brahma Vaivarta Purana, as conversation between Vyasa Deva  and Bhima, one of the Pandava Brothers.

Once Bhima asked the great sage Vyasa Dev, that my brothers fast on Ekadasi day. they also ask me to fast as well, to which I always tell them though I know that to fast on Ekadashi  is an instruction of the scriptures but I cannot bear my hunger and so  I am unable to fast.  I can give in charity as per my capacity, I can worship lord Kesava with proper rules and regulations, but I cannot fast.  So please instruct me how can I obtain the result of Ekadashi  with having to fast? Bhima also confessed that

It was really impossible for him to observe fast on 24 Ekadashi s every year as instructed by the Lord.  He could not even tolerate my hunger for a movement.  But then he said i can try to fast for a day in a year. To which Vyasa dev replied that the Ekadashi  which occurs during the waxing moon in the  month of May/June during the suns present in either Taurus or Gemini Rasi is called as Nirjala Ekadashi .  One should observe total fast even from drinking water in this Ekadashi .  On this day one should perform Acamana for purification by drinking that amount of water in which a single mustard seed or a drop of gold can be immersed.  One should place the said amount of water in his palm which he should form to resemble a cows ear.  If one drinks more or less water than this then it will amount to drinking of wine.

One must not eat anything at all on this Ekadashi  otherwise his vow will be broken.  One should not drink even water from the movement of sunrise from the day of Ekadashi  
until the sunrise on the day of Dvadasi.  In this way if one strictly observes this Ekadashi  
without drinking water then he can attain the results of observing all the Ekadashi's of the year.

 In the early morning on the day of Dvadasi one should take bath and give gold and water in charity  to the brahmins.  Thereafter the follower should gladly eat with  the  brahmins.

By following this Ekadashi  one can achieve the result of following all the Ekadashi s throughout the year.  Lord Vishnu once told me that if a person gives up all varieties of religion  as stated in Bhagvat Gita 18.66 " sarva-dharman parityajya, mam ekam saranam vraja, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo, moksayisyami ma sucah: Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear. and follows this Nirjala Ekadashi  which is very dear to me is certainly relieved from all sinful reactions.  

By observing this Ekadashi  one achieves the benefits of visiting all the holy places.  At the time of death such a person is not approached by the fierce looking Yamadutas rather he is approached by the divine looking Vishnuduta’s to be transferred to the abode of Vishnu.  If one  gives water and cows in charity after observing this Ekadashi  then he is freed from all his sinful activities.

When the other Pandavas heard about the glories of this Ekadashi  they resolved to observe it since Bhima began observing this Nirjala Ekadashi  from that day onward this Ekadashi  became famous as Pandava Nirjala or Bhimseni Ekadashi  .
