Krsna in Atharva Veda

While Studying Mythology I came across "academically " that Krsna is a Puranic God. But when I read the Gopalatapini Upanishad from the Atharava Veda, I can now state that claim false. As this whole Upanishad is describes Krsna as the supreme personality of godhead. I am just quoting the related verses to give reference and prove that Krsna is the supreme Personality of godhead academically without quoting from the Puranas, I am just giving the reference from Gopalatapini Upanishad, as my first blog post .I quote the following from the Gopalatapini Upanishad chapter 1.

1. Om Namah. I offer my respectful obeisance to Sri Krishna, whose
form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss, who is the rescuer from
distress, who is understood by Vedanta, who is the supreme spiritual
master, and who is the witness in everyone’s heart.

2. Om. Some sages said to the demigod Brahma: “Who is the Supreme
Personality of Godhead? Whom does death fear? By knowing whom
does everything else become known? Who created this world.

3. Brahma replied to them: “Krishna is the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. Death fears Govinda. By understanding Gopijanavallabha
everything becomes known. By pronouncing the word “svaha” the
Personality of Godhead created the world.

4. They then said: “Who is Krishna? Who is Govinda? Who is
Gopijanavallabha? What is Svaha?”

5. To them Brahma said: “Krishna means He who delivers from sin,
Govinda means He who is famous on the earth, in the Vedas, and
among the Surabhi Cows , Gopijanavallabha means He who enchants
the Gopis, and Svaha means the potency of the Supreme. All these
names refer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

6. One who meditates on this Supreme Personality of Godhead,
glorifies Him, and worships Him, becomes liberated. He becomes

7. They said: What is His form? What is His glorification? How does one
worship Him? Please describe this to us

8-9. Brahma said: He appears like a cowherd boy. His complexion is like
a monsoon cloud. He stays under a desire-tree. The following verses
describe Him.

10. Meditating with all his heart on Lord Krishna, whose eyes are handsome lotus flowers, whose complexion is a monsoon cloud, whose garments are lightning, who has two arms, who is rich in transcendental knowledge, who wears a garland of forest flowers, who
is the supreme controller, who is surrounded by Gopas, Gopis, and Surabhi cows, who rests under a sura-druma tree, who is decorated with splendid ornaments, who stands in the middle of a red lotus flower, and who is served by breezes that have touched the Yamuna’s waves, a person becomes free from repeated birth and death. 

20. Lord Krishna is the worshipable, all-pervading supreme controller, and although He is one, He manifests in many forms. They who are intelligent worship Him as
He stands on His altar. They, and not others, attain eternal happiness.

21. The brahmanas, who worship, as He stands on His altar, the one
greatest among the eternal and greatest among conscious persons,
the one who fulfills the desires of the many, they, and not others, attain

22. To they who always diligently worship Lord Visnu’s transcendental
form, the Lord, in His original form as a cowherd boy, shows His lotus

23. It was Krishna who in the beginning instructed Brahma in Vedic
knowledge and who disseminated Vedic knowledge in the past. They
who desire liberation surrender to Him, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, who grants transcendental knowledge to His devotees.

27-28. Brahma said: I continually glorified the Lord and meditated upon
Him for millions of years, and at last I was able to understand the
transcendental form of the Lord as Sri Krishna, in the dress of a
cowherd boy. With devotion in my heart I bowed down before Him. He
gave me the eighteen-syllable mantra to be used for the activity of
creation, and then He disappeared.

29. When I desired to create the universe He again appeared before
me, showing me in these syllables the universe that was to be.

31. By worshiping Him, Shiva became free from illusion, and by
chanting this mantra in a solitary place, he attained the Lord.

38. With eloquent prayers I and the Maruts please Lord Govinda, whose
form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss, who stays under a
desire tree in Vrndavana, and who is this five-word mantra.

54. Therefore, Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One
should meditate upon Him, glorify Him, serve Him and worship Him.

Also Bhrama says in Bhrama Samhita again glorifying the Supreme Personality of godhead Sri Krsna as Ishwara Parama Krsna, sat chit Annada Vigraha. Krsna is the supreme controller and his form is of knowledge and bliss. and Bhrama said the Bhrama Samhita is glorifying the supreme personality of godhead. krsna aslo says in numerous of the verses of the Bhagvad Gita that he is the supreme personality of godhead. Bhagvad Gita chapter 10.8 Krsna says aham sarvasya prabhavo, mattah sarvam pravartate, iti matva bhajante mam,budha bhava-samanvitah. (I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.) There are many mentions of Krsna as the supreme personality of godhead in the Vedas, that is unacknowledged, such as Narayan Suktam, Vishnu Sukta, Rudra Hridya Upanishad, etc. the list can go on.


  1. Very well said and written, excellent blog on Shree Krishna, Meditate on Krishna, Glorify Krishna, Serve Krishna, Worship Krishna.
    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
    Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama Hare Rama
    Rama Rama Hare Hare

  2. Very well said and written, excellent blog on Shree Krishna, Meditate on Krishna, Glorify Krishna, Serve Krishna, Worship Krishna.
    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
    Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama Hare Rama
    Rama Rama Hare Hare


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